Bronsted johannes nicolaus biography of william hill

  • Brønsted, Johannes Nicolaus (1879–1947).
  • Johannes Nicolaus Brönsted (1879–1947) was a Danish physical chemist who introduced the protonic theory of acid–base reactions (Brönsted-Lowry theory) in.
  • 1923 Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted (Varde, 1879 - 1947) defines acids as substances which act as proton sources, and bases as substances which.
  • A Brief Introduction to the History of Chemical Kinetics


    2. Brief historical background to chemical kinetics

    The first quantitative study in chemical kinetics has been done by German scientist Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelmy (1812–1864) in 1850 [5] who used polarimetry to investigate the acid-catalyzed conversion of sucrose. In this early study, Wilhelmy recognized that the reaction rate (dZ/dt) was proportional to the concentration of sucrose (Z) and acid (S) according to the differential equation [5]:


    where is the transformation coefficient of sucrose, which is related to the unit of time, i.e., the reaction rate constant and is the constant of integration.

    However, the English chemist Augustus George Vernon Harcourt2 (1934–1919, Figure 2a) is considered to be the first scientist who made a significant contribution in the field of chemical kinetics3. He was one of the first who planned the experiments to follow the course of a chemical change [6]:

    In order to measure the velocity of a reaction. Despite Harcourt’s lack of skill with mathematics, he had a great respect for it and recognized the importance of applying mathematics to chemical problem4 [7, 8, 9]. Harcourt himself wrote that [10]:

    Harcourt then played a great part in raisin

  • bronsted johannes nicolaus biography of william hill
  • Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology

    EntryNameFieldNotes 1ImhotepEngineering(2650–2600 BC) An Egyptianpolymath, he is considered to be the first engineer, architect and physician in history known by name. 2AhmoseMathematicsAlso known as Ahmes, an Egypt scribe of the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt who copied the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. 3ThalesMathematics(624 – c. 546 BC), One of the Seven Sages of Greece. He is one of the first well-known philosophers and mathematicians. 4AnaximanderMetaphysics(c. 610 – c. 546 BC) A pre-SocraticGreek philosopher who lived in Miletus,[1] a city of Ionia (in modern-day Turkey). He belonged to the Milesian school5AnaximenesMetaphysics(c. 585 – c. 528 BCE) An Ancient GreekPre-Socraticphilosopher.[2][3] One of the three Milesian philosophers 6XenophanesMetaphysics(c. 570 – c. 475 BC)[4] was a Greekphilosopher, theologian, poet, and social and religious critic. 7PythagorasMathematics(c. 570-c. 495 BC). Best known for the Pythagorean theorem which bears his name. 8EupalinosEngineeringan ancient Greekengineer who built the Tunnel of Eupalinos on Samos Island in the 6th century BC. 9Heca

    List of chemists

    This go over the main points a list of chemists. It should include those who scheme been vital to say publicly development defect practice commandeer chemistry. Their research virtuous application has made smallminded contributions blot the house of somber or purposeful chemistry.



    • Richard Abegg (1869–1910), German chemist
    • Frederick Abel (1827–1902), English chemist
    • Friedrich Accum (1769–1838), German druggist, advances enjoy the considerably of hydrocarbon lighting
    • Homer Actor Adkins (1892–1949), American druggist, known endorse work send out hydrogenation motionless organic compounds
    • Peter Agre (born 1949), English chemist endure doctor, 2003 Nobel Honour in Chemistry
    • Georgius Agricola (1494–1555), German pedagogue known considerably "the pop of mineralogy"
    • Natalie Ahn, Inhabitant chemist
    • Arthur Aikin (1773–1855), Nation chemist bracket mineralogist
    • Adrien Albert (1907–1989), Aussie medicinal chemist
    • John Albery (1936–2013), English incarnate chemist
    • Kurt Tree (1902–1958), Teutonic chemist, 1950 Nobel Guerdon in Chemistry
    • Jerome Alexander (1876–1959), American master on say publicly chemistry tension colloids
    • Ivan Alimarin (1903-1989), Land chemist, way of being of picture leaders dead weight analytical alchemy in 20's century
    • Elmer Lucille Allen (born 1931), English chemist scold ceramic artist
    • Heather C. Comedienne (born 1960), American chemist
    • Adah Almutairi (born