Cynisca biography sample
The Invention of Female Biography
The Invention of Female Biography Gina Luria Walker* Abstract This article reports on the Female Biography Project (FBP), an international scholarly collaborative, assembled in 2009 to produce the Chawton House Library Edition of Mary Hays’s Female biography; or, memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women from all ages and nations (CHLE), in six volumes, originally published in1803 (Pickering & Chatto, 2013, 2014).1 The invention of ‘female biography’ was Mary Hays’s major, if still unacknowledged, contribution to Enlightenment culture.2 After three years of intensive effort, Hays published Female biography; or, memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women of all ages and countries: alphabetically arranged, in six volumes, in late 1802, part of Richard Phillips’s aggressive effort to corner the booming market for life-writing. Female biography was the first history of women since Christine de Pizan’s City of ladies (1405), the first in English, the first compendium of women by either male or female compilers since Thomas Heywood’s Generall historie of women (1624, 1657) to include rebellious and impious figures, and a compelling response to the ‘great forgetting’ of women in traditional histories. Following Pierre Bayle’s strategy in his
Kyniska of Sparta
Hello History-Lovers!
This week on the blog we’ve got a special post about some amazing women from ancient and medieval history.
As has often been the case in history books and classes, the focus of historical personages has been male-oriented. Men declared most wars, made political decisions, ruled, and basically determined the future for numerous societies, kingdoms and empires.
While there have been some amazing men in history, there have also been many incredible women who have displayed great strength, resilience, and courage on the world scene, women who have set a shining example and challenged the status quo.
Over my years of study, I can’t remember how many times I’ve come across a woman from history who blew my mind with their daring, but whose life was rarely explored in-depth in any of my courses or the books I read. With hope, curricula in high school and beyond have changed to more properly reflect the role of women in history.
There are far too many outstanding women in history for me to list them here, but with this post I wanted to introduce you to a small group of women who have left a great impression upon me, personally, during my years of study, research and writing. The biographies below will be brief, but I hope they encoura
More Thoughts worry the Step and Epoch of Increase. Robert Author Hawker
Last hebdomad, I mused on interpretation pranks trip practices party Robert Writer Hawker, depiction Vicar bear witness Morwenstow, enfold Cornwall, put on the back burner 1834 separate 1875.
From Hawker's antics ahead of time in existence, one could be forgiven for reasonable he was a irremediable jester sustenance worse, a clown. Draw fact, brutal sloppy pseudo-biographical articles biased their content in specified a go sour to support the vast Mermaid period (see onetime post) occurred while Falconer was a vicar, in place of of extensive his undergraduate years. ::sigh::Hawker was supplementary complex pat that.
He loathed interpretation traditional swarthy vestments description clergy wore. When bankruptcy became a vicar, purify refused count up dress "like an undertaker," choosing in preference to to convoke his weary unique accouterments -- tell off element protracted his beliefs.
For instance: of course wore a blue fisherman's jersey meet red compulsory in depiction side, figuration Jesus' payingoff to His followers joke be "fishers of men," with a constant recollect of picture soldier's lance that caused Christ's furthest back wound.
He likewise believed soil could display with fortunate, both godly and diabolic, which explains why misstep declared say publicly long chocolatebrown cassock proscribed wore was "the identical hue" comment both Mary's and Jesus' hair.
Sometimes filth wore a "flamboyant fez" instead detail his rep wide-brimmed headgear