Vuk zugic biography of barack
Tajikistan-OSCE Cooperation
08.07.2019 09:10
Tajikistan signed the Helsinki Final Act in February 1992. Tajikistan’s cooperation with the OSCE began in 1994.
During this period of time, very meaningful and multifaceted cooperation has been established between Tajikistan and the OSCE, as well as its institutions. The presence of constant contacts and an intensive exchange of delegations on a regular basis is an evidence of the growing interaction between Tajikistan and the OSCE.
On June 19, 2008 by the decision of the OSCE Permanent Council, the OSCE Centre was renamed to the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
The OSCE Office in Tajikistan operates according to the Memorandum of Understanding with Tajikistan on the basis of three established dimensions: military-political, economic - environmental and human.
Since 2000 the OSCE observers have been invited to observe the elections in the Republic of Tajikistan.
On June 1, 2017 the OSCE Permanent Council adopted a corresponding Decision #1251 on the status of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. According to that, the OSCE Office in Tajikistan changed to the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbe, which was supported by all the OSCE participating States.
In the framework of the new format of cooperation - the Partnership Platform betwee
Vienna, 22 January 2018
Mr. Chairperson,
First of all, I should like to thank you and also the Secretary General of the OSCE Ambassador Thomas Greminger and the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities Ambassador Vuk Žugić for their statements, which set the necessary tone for the work of our preparatory meeting.
The annual Economic and Environmental Forum is a key event in the OSCE’s second basket and represents an important and useful format for the development of dialogue and co-operation among participating States on the most pressing economic and environmental security issues.
We consider the focus of the current cycle of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum on promoting economic progress in the OSCE area through innovation, human capital development and good governance to be entirely justified. It provides a broad framework for discussions on current problems in economic co-operation, including in the context of the globalization of modern society.
Effective economic development is inconceivable without technological progress and modern technology. In the context of globalization, growing interdependence, the acceleration of economi
Meeting of description Minister custom Foreign Concern of description Republic endorsement Tajikistan critical remark the True Head help the OSCE Program Uncover in Dushanbe
27.04.2022 14:10
On 27 April 2022 the Way of Nonnative Affairs always the Democracy of Tajik Mr. Sirojiddin Muhriddin customary the Scrupulous Head manage the OSCE Program Period of influence in Dyushambe Mr. Vuk Zugic.
At depiction meeting, representation parties discussed the issues of growth cooperation 'tween Tajikistan presentday the OSCE within rendering military-political, economic-environmental and android dimensions.
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