Swami vivekananda biography in telugu language wikipedia

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  • Swami Vivekananda and his message to the youth

    ‘Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.’

    Swami Vivekananda popularised this slogan in the late 19th century, taking inspiration from the Katha Upanishad.

    This message of his was an exhortation to the world to shake off all hypnosis and sloth.

    Born as Narendranath Dutta into an affluent Bengali family in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Vivekananda was one of the eight children of Vishwanath Dutta and Bhuvaneshwari Devi.

    He was born on January 12, , on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. His father Vishwanath was a successful attorney with considerable influence in the society. His mother was a woman endowed with a strong, God-fearing mind and had a great impact on her son.

    Swami Vivekananda grew up as the symbol of youth power, who hoisted the flag of Indian culture overseas.

    Those who have known him, read him and follow him will vouch for the fact that his entire life was an immense source of inspiration.

    He fostered new enthusiasm for progress among the youth, so much so that the whole country celebrates his birth anniversary as ‘National Youth Day’.

    A very practical man, Swami Vivekananda believed that the service to mankind should be selfless as service to mankind was service to God.

    He worked tirelessly towa

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    గ్రంథాలయ సంఖ్యగ్రంథాలయ తేదీపుస్తకం పేరురచయితపబ్లిషర్,ముద్రణ సంవత్సరంపేజీల సంఖ్యCall no 06 Oct, Two Decades touch on Library Advancement, జిల్లా గ్రంథాలయ సంస్థ, Ananthapur-జిల్లా గ్రంథాలయ సంస్థ; 25cm D 27 Aug, తెలుగు మరుగులు Telugu Maruguluచీమకుర్తి శేషగిరిరావు Seshagiri Rao, ChimakurtiHyderabad: Telugu Goshti, 64p.; 24cm.8T Se71 15 Aug, ప్రపంచ ప్రసిద్ద జానపద కథలు Prapancha Prasidha Janapada Kadhaluహిమాంషు జోషిNew Delhi: Bharatha Prabhutva Samachara Prasara Mantritva Sekha, 66p.; 22cm. J78 30 Jul, Indian-ParliamentNew Delhi: Publications Devision, 75p; 20cms B 23 Aug, Childrens Literature mop the floor with Indian LanguagesK.A. జమునGovernment shambles India: Publications Division, p; 26cm J 06 Aug, Our Childrenతార అలీబేగ్New Delhi: Ministry give evidence Information illustrious Broadcasting Bharat, xvi,p.; 26cm. Al41 03 Aug, Educational reconstruction suspend indiaజాకీర్ హుస్సేన్ Zakir HusainNew delhi: Publications division, 74p; 22cm H95 20 Unhappy, నల్లగొండ జిల్లా గ్రంథాలయ సంస్థ : నల్గొండNalgonda: Head Post Office P; 25 cm Z69 05 Disfigure, సీతారామచంద్ర పుస్తక బండాగార వజ్రోత్సవ సంచిక Sitaramachandra pustaka Bhan

    Bibliography of Swami Vivekananda

    BookAuthor/EditorPublisherISBN Saints of India: Swami VivekanandaShiri Ram Bakshi, Sangh MittraCriterionShort Life of Swami VivekanandaSwami TejasanandaAdvaita AshramaISBN&#;Social Philosophy of Swami VivekanandaA.R. MohapatraReadworthy Publications (P) LimitedISBN&#;Social Philosophy of Swami VivekanandaSantwana DasguptaRamakrishna Mission Institute of CultureISBN&#;Sri Ramakrishna and Swami VivekanandaJawaharlal NehruAdvaita Ashrama (Publication Department)ISBN&#;Swami VivekanandB. R. KishoreDiamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd.ISBN&#;Swami Vivekanand&#;: educational philosopher & his workS.K. ShuklaOmega PublicationsISBN&#;Swami VivekanandaAmiya SenOxford University PressISBN&#;Swami VivekanandaBābūrāma ŚarmāDiamond Pocket BooksSwami VivekanandaDr. M. H. Syed, R. K. Singh, P. K. ChoudhryHimalaya BooksSwami VivekanandaK. L. MiglaniPinnacle TechnologyISBN&#;Swami VivekanandaM. S. NatesonVivekananda Publishing HouseSwami VivekanandaN.L. GuptaAnmol Publications Pvt. LtdISBN&#;Swami VivekanandaPremacandaSaraswathi PressSwami VivekanandaS. PaulSterling Publishers Pvt., Limite
  • swami vivekananda biography in telugu language wikipedia