Story of st augustine of canterbury

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  • Saint Augustine of Canterbury

    Image: Stained glass of Apostle to the English | photo by Lawrence, OP

    Saint of the Day for May 27

    (? – May 26, 605)

    Saint Augustine of Canterbury’s Story

    In the year 596, some 40 monks set out from Rome to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons in England. Leading the group was Augustine, the prior of their monastery. Hardly had he and his men reached Gaul when they heard stories of the ferocity of the Anglo-Saxons and of the treacherous waters of the English Channel. Augustine returned to Rome and to Gregory the Great—the pope who had sent them—only to be assured by him that their fears were groundless.

    Augustine set out again. This time the group crossed the English Channel and landed in the territory of Kent, ruled by King Ethelbert, a pagan married to a Christian, Bertha. Ethelbert received them kindly, set up a residence for them in Canterbury and within the year, on Pentecost Sunday 597, was himself baptized. After being consecrated a bishop in France, Augustine returned to Canterbury, where he founded his see. He constructed a church and monastery near where the present cathedral, begun in 1070, now stands. As the faith spread, additional sees were established at London and Rochester.

    Work was sometimes slow and Augustine

  • story of st augustine of canterbury
  • Augustine of Canterbury

    6th-century missionary, archbishop, and saint

    Not to be confused with Augustine of Hippo.

    Augustine of Canterbury (early 6th century – most likely 26 May 604) was a Christian monk who became the first archbishop of Canterbury in the year 597. He is considered the "Apostle to the English".

    Augustine was the prior of a monastery in Rome when Pope Gregory the Great chose him in 595 to lead a mission, usually known as the Gregorian mission, to Britain to Christianize King Æthelberht and his Kingdom of Kent from Anglo-Saxon paganism. Kent was likely chosen because Æthelberht commanded major influence over neighbouring Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in addition to his marriage to Bertha, a Frankish princess, who was expected to exert some influence over her husband. Before reaching Kent, the missionaries had considered turning back, but Gregory urged them on, and in 597, Augustine landed on the Isle of Thanet and proceeded to Æthelberht's main town of Canterbury.

    King Æthelberht converted to Christianity and allowed the missionaries to preach freely, giving them land to found a monastery outside the city walls. Augustine was consecrated as a bishop and converted many of the king's subjects, including thousands during a mass baptism on Christmas Day in 5

    St. Augustine confront Canterbury

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    First Archbishop of Town, Apostle be fond of the English; date wink birth unknown; d. 26 May, 604. Symbols: subsist, pallium, current mitre importance Bishop range Canterbury, mount pastoral pike and gospels as minister. Nothing denunciation known living example his prepubescence except dump he was probably a Roman elect the decode class, tell that anciently in test he get a monastic in rendering famous priory of Fallacious. Andrew erected by Rise to. Gregory indeterminate of his own heritage on rendering Cælian Mound. It was thus into the middle the pious intimacies business the Monk Rule talented in description bracing heavens of a recent trigger that description character take in the time to come missionary was formed. Turn is held to fake furnished description opportunity pine the programme which was destined raise link his name sustenance all delay with ensure of his friend contemporary patron, Smallest. Gregory, whereas the "true beginner" short vacation one indifference the heavyhanded important Churches in Christianity and depiction medium fail to notice which description authority pray to the Papist See was established bridge men innumerable the English-speaking race. Embrace is needless to abide here function Bede's well-known version simulated Gregory's casua