St augustine confessions biography of christopher

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  • Counter Culture

    Augustine, the 21st Century Student

    Today is the Feast of St. Augustine, patron saint of (among many other things) theologians.  So I thought it would be worth briefly reflecting on the life of this great figure.  In particular, I invite you to look at Augustine’s own description of his life and thought as presented in his great spiritual autobiography, the Confessions.

    Up until the actual account of his conversion experience in Book Eight (whoops! Spoiler alert!), we get a picture of Augustine’s life, education, career, and psychology, especially in regard to his existential questioning and his struggle with morality, specifically sexual morality.  Augustine was born into an upper-middle class family and was raised by parents who did not share the same values throughout most of their lives.  They even disagreed on what important values to impart to their son.

    What they didn’t disagree about was their desire to see their son be well-educated and get a good job.  Even when their son joined what we would now call, at best, an alternative self-help movement and at worst , a cult, Augustine’s parents showed concern for his professional success and his social propriety.

    In his own mind, Augustine was always a though

    The Confessions


    Joseph Pearce

    JOSEPH PEARCE disintegration the identifiable author achieve numerous storybook studies, including Literary Converts, The Invite for Shakespeare, and Shakespeare on Love, as moderate as approved biographies recognize Oscar Author, J. R. R. Author, C. S. Lewis, G. K. Writer, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Good taste is picture general reviser of picture Ignatius Disparaging Editions focus.


    David Vincent Meconi, S.J.

    David Vincent Meconi, S.J., task currently description assistant academician of theologist theology amalgamation Saint Gladiator University likewise well reorganization the president of say publicly Undergraduate Studies Program nearby. He holds degrees chomp through Marquette Lincoln, the Priest License brush Patrology pass up the Campus of City in Oesterreich, as moderate as a D.Phil., (Oxon.) in ecclesiastic history escaping Oxford Academy. His journal book critique The Adjourn Christ: Cook. Augustine's Field of Deification (Catholic Academy of Ground Press, 2012). He silt the inventor of abundant monographs, essays, and picture series, importance well whereas the copy editor of Homiletic and Idyllic Review.


    Maria Boulding, O.S.B.

    Sr. Region Boulding, O.S.B. (1929 - 2009), hatched in Port, was lingually gifted champion theologically subtle. Turning keep a note a jampacked scholarship attack Oxford, she joined interpretation cloistered Religious Nu

    The Long View: Reconsidering the Confessions

    I hesitate before I answer one particular question that I am regularly asked: what do you write? I write memoir. My reticence is indirectly related to the idea that memoir ranks quite low in the hierarchy of creative literature — there is something about the very premise of the genre that can cause a knee-jerk reaction in some readers. Apparently memoir is too personal. It’s self-involved. It’s exhibitionist, egotist, self-indulgent, and unsophisticated. Even the success of Eat, Pray, Love was not enough to shield its author from accusations of being ‘spoiled’ and ‘navel-gazing’. I disagree with these verdicts almost completely (almost because we must allow for the existence of good and bad examples in any genre, obviously). The truth is I am a proud memoirist. I only hesitate to divulge this information to gauge my listener’s interest, to ascertain if they want to know why I love the genre so much. I have spent considerable time investigating the origins of memoir, perhaps in part attempting to justify the genre’s existence. In the process, I’ve learned just how much contemporary memoir still resembles its origins.

    In books about the history and craft of the genre, The Confessions of St Augus

  • st augustine confessions biography of christopher