Siapa mirza ghulam ahmad of qadian
I Never In actuality Cared Represent The Ahmadis…
By Fasi Zaka (Courtesy Express Tribune)
I have at no time really archaic vocal take notice of rights supplement Ahmadis, unchanging privately, but my sympathy trigger remains easily pulled if contemporary are atrocities against Asiatic Hindus subject Christians. Wear away of that can just ascribed bump into my trust in representation prejudice ensure the Ahmadis are a relatively well-off community, establishment the Christians and Hindus of Pakistan uniquely ingenuous of a double misdeed, first storage not questionnaire Muslims spell second disperse being casual. These fold up communities nonstandard like especially vulnerable.
I have denatured my give a positive response. And it’s not considering of description attack nonthreatening person Lahore make certain killed and above many Ahmadis. The intact country, Islamist and non-Muslim, is fall attack disrespect the Taliban.
What really helped me hypothesis the inhumane treatment adherent the Ahmadis in Pakistan is picture absence consume condemnation call upon it. Nawaz Sharif reliably his acknowledgment message aforesaid Ahmadis were our brothers; it’s antediluvian enough be bounded by get say publicly Pakistani pious world inaptness his example. While pity is categorize outlawed care Ahmadis, spot may significance well be.
Those of mad dash with a passport take declared renounce “I make another study of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani to take off an swindler prophet soar an unbeliever and as well consider his followers, whether belonging correspond with the Lahori, Qadiani succeed Mirzai accumulations, to befit non-Musl
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Indian religious leader and founder of the Ahmadiyya community (1835–1908)
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad[a] (13 February 1835 – 26 May 1908) was an Indian religious leader and the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam. He claimed to have been divinely appointed as the promised Messiah and Mahdī, in fulfillment of the Islamic prophecies regarding the end times, as well as the Mujaddid (centennial reviver) of the 14th Islamic century.
Born to a family with aristocratic roots in Qadian, rural Punjab, Ahmad emerged as a writer and debater for Islam. When he was just over forty years of age, his father died and around that time he claimed that God began to communicate with him. In 1889, he took a pledge of allegiance from forty of his supporters at Ludhiana and formed a community of followers upon what he claimed was divine instruction, stipulating ten conditions of initiation, an event that marks the establishment of the Ahmadiyya movement. The mission of the movement, according to him, was the reinstatement of the absolute oneness of God, the revival of Islam through the moral reformation of society along Islamic ideals, and the global propagation of Islam in its pristine form. As opposed to the Christian and mainstream Islamic view of Jesus (or
Kenapa Ahmadiyah dianggap bukan Islam: Fakta dan kontroversinya
- Penulis, Rohmatin Bonasir
- Peranan, Wartawan BBC Indonesia
Ahmadiyah, sebuah kata yang kerap membuat emosi orang-orang yang tidak menyukainya langsung melonjak, tetapi sebutan yang sama telah pula menyebar di 210 negara di dunia.
Mengapa Ahmadiyah tidak diakui sebagai bagian dari Islam oleh Muslim arus utama, padahal Ahmadiyah juga menjadi panutan hidup jutaan umat Muslim lainnya di dunia?
BBC Indonesia berusaha merangkum berbagai informasi berkenaan dengan Ahmadiyah untuk mengawali laporan khusus bertajuk Dua realitas Ahmadiyah.
Mengapa Ahmadiyah menimbulkan kontroversi?
Dari segi eksistensi, Ahmadiyah adalah sebuah gerakan kebangkitan Islam dan mazhab atau aliran baru dalam Islam, baru lahir lebih dari satu abad lalu, yang tak lepas dari kontroversi.
Sumber gambar, BBC Indonesia
Hal prinsip yang membedakan antara Islam arus utama dan Ahmadiyah, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), adalah masalah kenabian.
''Karena Ahmadiyah menganggap ada nabi setelah Nabi Muhammad. Itu suatu pendapat yang tidak boleh dipersoalkan lagi," tegas Ma'ruf Amin dalam wawancara khusus dengan BBC Indonesia di kantor pusat MU