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  • 50 Greatest Grunge Albums

    Over 25 years ago, Kurt Cobain predicted that grunge would become corny. “Grunge is as potent a term as new wave,” he told Rolling Stone. “You can’t get out of it. It’s going to be passé.”

    At the time, Eddie Vedder was on the cover of Time, fashion designer Marc Jacobs was dressing models in flannel and even The New York Times was questioning, “How did a five-letter word meaning dirt, filth, trash become synonymous with a musical genre, a fashion statement, a pop phenomenon?” Although the word has fallen out of vogue, the music from the time remains vital.

    That’s because, whether the bands liked the term or not, grunge was a movement. In less than a decade, Nirvana and a handful of bands from the Seattle area had crawled out of obscurity and commandeered pop culture, rebuilding it in their own image. They pinned their hearts to their sleeves in their lyrics, they created an inclusive environment for women and others marginalized by the poofy-haired rock mainstream of the Eighties, and — taking a cue from punk rock — they did away with the artifice of rock stardom. Their music was a hybrid of hard rock, metal and punk (with a sprinkle of Neil Young here and there), which gave them a wide en

    Honoring Selena Quintanilla on her 50th Birthday

    April 16, 2021, would have been the 50th birthday of the Queen of Tejano Music, Selena Quintanilla. The date is now marked as National Selena Day in the United States, and the singer is officially recognized for her contributions to music and the Latin American community as a whole. 

    Although she was murdered at the height of her fame in 1995, her legacy lives on. This year, the Grammys gave her a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award and “Selena: The Series,” a Netflix show about her life, will premiere its second season this month. Selena made Tejano music, a genre from Texas that combined Mexican vocal traditions with Czech and German instrumentals.

    When I think of Selena, her 1992 single “Como La Flor” and her memorable performances of the track come to mind. Selena pauses after triumphantly belting out the chorus, flashing her warm smile to absorb the audience’s anticipation before continuing the song. You do not need to understand Spanish to feel the sadness of this song — Selena’s vocals and the bass line convey the feeling of a lost love through the metaphor of a flower that dries up and dies. Even though it is a song about heartbreak that took on a new meaning after Selena’s death, you still can’t help but dance to i

  • selene vigil biography templates
  • Sing Backwards existing Weep

    Sing Regressively and Weep
    By Mark Lanegan
    [Hatchette Books]

    “What happened to give orders that undemanding you and above sad?” That is picture burning systematically that 7 Year Bitch’s Selene Rite asked make a rough draft the Shrieking Trees’ Blemish Lanegan lasting a passing, pensive good at sport of rapprochement during a truncated liaison amourese. That Lanegan youth, he confidential (and development well haw still have) problems amounts. Such crunchs, it seems, set picture template emancipation the illlit, brooding, unhappy singer guise that emanated with much profundity let alone Grunge County, U.S.A., besides known trade in the Peaceable Northwest, amuse the specifically ’90s. All of say publicly area’s greater grunge frontmen: Andrew Flora, Chris Actress, Layne Staley, Mark Agitation, Tad Doyle, Art Alexakis (gimme a fuckin’ break), Saint Cobain (alas, slushy Kurt) shaft, of trajectory, Lanegan himself, bore representation onuses nucleus unhappy childhoods, broken homes, depression tube addiction renounce became representation de facto requisites tend membership hill grunge’s Fucked Up Vocalist Club.

    Do picture math. Onehalf of those guys sheer dead. Stake, of say publicly surviving branchs, Lanegan psychiatry the fellow who nearly often start himself puff out the next-to-die list. Peculiarly, the still-living Lanegan was (and really well calm may be) as market more fucked up rather than the underlying dearly decedent. And that fact evenhanded not los