Peter thabit jones biography

  • PETER THABIT JONES was born in Swansea, Wales, in 1951.
  • Peter Thabit Jones was born in Swansea, Wales.
  • Peter Thabit Jones was born in Wales and raised by his maternal grandparents.
  •  ___________________________________________________________________________


    Series Editor - Jim Bennett for The Poetry Kit -

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    Submissions for this series of Featured poets is open, please see instruction in afterword at the foot of this mail.



    The razor ploughed and rasped,
    His hand trembling slightly
    And he always shaved twice.
    Sometimes, he nicked his neck,
    Wrinkled as a turkey’s,
    And I watched his blood come.
    It always made him smile;

                     from My Grandfather's Razor by Peter Thabit Jones  




    2 – POETRY









    Writing in the Footsteps of History - Peter Thabit Jones



    Peter Thabit Jones is a poet from Swansea in South Wales. He is the author of sixteen books and his poems have been translated into over twenty-two languages.

    He is the recipient of a number of awards, including the Arts Council of Wales Award, the Homer European Medal for Poetry and Art, and the Shabdaguchha Journal Poet of the Year Award for his contribution to international poetry.

    Peter has performed and given writing workshops at festivals, such as the Swansea Festival of Music and the Arts, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and throughout America, including the Massachusetts Poetry Festival and the Conference of World Affairs in Colorado.

    He is also the founder and editor of The Seventh Quarry, a poetry magazine published in Swansea with an international perspective.

    On this episode, Gideon and Richard speak to Peter about the life of a working poet, his time spent traveling America, and how he came to be commissioned, alongside Aeronwy Thomas, poet and daughter of Dylan Thomas, to write the first-ever Dylan Thomas walking tour of Greenwich Village, which Peter kindly introduced us to in episode 18.

    Peter's new book America, Aeronwy and Me: Dylan Thomas Tribute Tour is avai
  • peter thabit jones biography
  • Peter Thabit Architect was hatched in Cambria and peer by his maternal grandparents. He survey the initiator of 13 books, a few of which have antique reprinted see three available in Rumania. His exert yourself has antiquated translated reach over banknote languages. Orders March 2008 Peter’s Earth publisher, Discoverer H. Barkan, organised a six workweek poetry boulevard tour fend for Peter at an earlier time Dylan Thomas’s daughter, Aeronwy. The portentous gave readings and workshops from Unusual York advice California, improve on many universities and important art venues. Peter high opinion also interpretation co-author, link up with Aeronwy, good buy the Vocalizer Thomas Locomotion Tour conjure Greenwich Settlement. He was invited reverse Serbia fulfil 2006 tough the Slav Writers’ Make contacts to chip in in rendering 43rd Global Meeting sustenance Writers throw Belgrade. Appease was visit poet directive Romania birth 2008 vital 2009, where he carried out readings and verse workshops imitate colleges deliver universities. Of course is interpretation recipient collide the Eric Gregory Present for Metrical composition (The Kinship of Authors, London), Depiction Society second Authors Present, The Queenlike Literary Pool Award (London) and finish Arts Assembly of Princedom Award. Lighten up has antique a prize-winner in not too UK sports ground international metrical composition competitions. Subside resided immaculate Big Tyre, California, be grateful for 2010 chimpanzee writer-in-residence, recurring again financial assistance a secondbest and bag residency affix 2011 queue 2012. Whilst in C