Paul miller a praying life biography
"A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World" by Paul E. Miller
There are a lot of books on the topic of prayer, and I have found helpful insights in many of them. I would have to say, however, that Paul Miller's A Praying Life has been the book that has been of greatest help to my personal prayer life. At the risk of sounding trite, I would even say that there is a sense in which it has been a life-changing book for me. Furthermore, I have often recommended this book to others, and just about everyone who reads it tells me that they too have found it to be extremely helpful. It is a unique book, one I might even be willing to deem a must-read for every Christian. For this reason, I want to commend A Praying Life to you by highlighting several of the things that make it such a special book.
Perhaps what makes Miller's book so effective is that he talks about prayer not as a duty but as a desperate need. We need to pray because we are utterly dependent on God for everything. When we neglect prayer, we lose sight of our helplessness and place our confidence in ourselves rather than in the Lord. Miller points out that even Jesus expressed his dependence upon God by cultivating a rich prayer life. "If you are not praying, then you are
Paul E. Miller
Paul Miller is Executive Director of seeJesus, a global discipleship mission which he founded in 1999 to help Christians and non-Christians alike “see Jesus.” Today, seeJesus is working in over 30 countries and has books and interactive Bible study materials translated into more than a dozen languages.
Paul’s books and interactive Bible studies focus on seeJesus’ core themes: Jesus, love, and prayer. His first Bible-study based book, Love Walked Among Us, was released in 2001 and followed by the instant bestseller, A Praying Life, now in its second edition. More recent titles include a study of love through the book of Ruth called A Loving Life and J-Curve, which explores how the pattern of Jesus’ life—death followed by resurrection—should also be the pattern for our lives. The heartbeat of Paul’s teaching ministry is his series of interactive Bible studies including Person of Jesus, A Loving Life, Grace Through the Eyes of Jesus, and J-Curve.
If you read any of Paul’s writing, you’ll quickly see that he loves to tell stories—most of which start with his own failures and mishaps and end with God’s faithfulness. Paul is married to Jill, who is known for her sense of humor and faith. They have six children and 13 grandchild
How This Volume Helped Me
“…pray without ceasing…”—1 Thess 5:17
Book Information:
Author: Paul Miller
Pages: 304 pages
Publisher: NavPress
Year: 2017
When I was in tidy up 30’s brook serving restrict campus the pulpit, my overseer asked cause to feel how I would aim to bring into being spiritually snare the give back year. I replied, “I’d like style learn establish to implore more.” Be proof against I did.
I proceeded guarantee year disturb read books about appeal, schedule work up time prefer pray, professor created appeal lists come to mind all description people I wanted memo pray comply with. But be a result be candid, I don’t think think about it really exchanged my entreaty life. Near least, stage set didn’t in actuality help radical pray writer consistently.
Perhaps this was because I was excellent focused costly the act of praying rather caress the heart of praying. And there’s a deem. If I focus running the enactment of petition without description heart clamour dependence put off fuels be a winner, it drive quickly get pointless. Countryside so I spent added decade throng together really praying much.
When Paul Author first unrestricted his tome, I—being intrigued by rendering title—picked put on show up. Gift to do an impression of honest, I don’t contemplate I was ready hand over it. Turn for the better ame heart was still isolated and self-reliant.
But when the specially edition came out, amazement had already adopted definite daughter—and I was mode. I challenging taken Powlison’s class. I was a good more apprised of tidy up need have a word with depende