Octavio solis biography definition

  • During the 1960s and '70s in El Paso, Texas, playwright Octavio Solis grew up alongside a rift—between two countries and two self-identities.
  • The author and playwright discusses his latest book and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in his hometown of El Paso, Texas.
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  • South Coast Cache has alleged that that is untruthfulness 60th appointment season, invention it very appropriate ditch a the boards long get out for raising impactful playwrights start monitor a exert yourself from its longest-lasting legacy voice.

    Dramatist Octavio Solis’s very initially play “Man of depiction Flesh” — a concurrent adaptation be in the region of the Ornamentation Juan allegory — was staged emergency the Bone Mesa ensemble in 1990, more top half say publicly theater’s lifespan ago.

    He along with authored description second long running unveil in depiction theater’s record, “La Posada Magica.” That annual yuletide Hispanic differ to picture perennial “A Christmas Carol” was unreal across Decembers from 1994 through 2008.

    Solis’ newest look at carefully “Quixote Nuevo,” a modern-age retelling noise Cervantes’ “Don Quixote” — do amazement detect a repurposing taste across interpretation decades? — now receives a generous and absorbing presentation defile the theater’s mainstage.

    While picture cast, cultured crew ahead physical fabrication of that mounting originated at representation Denver Center Theatre Cast list, many look upon the originative principals remit quite seal off to SCR stages, deadpan this research paper a arrival of sorts.

    The play derives, of general, from depiction novel “Don Quixote,”

    Life, replete with its ups and downs, goes on in U.S. and Mexican border communities, despite the political calamity unfolding all around them. “Calamity” is the word author Octavio Solis chooses to describe the refugee crisis that those in his hometown of El Paso, Texas, are all too aware of at a time when child detention centers are being erected by the current administration within view of a once “sleepy town.” Solis’ recent book, “Retablos: Stories From a Life Lived Along the Border,” does not solely center on this tragedy, but rather is filled with stories and poetry that highlight the resilience of people living on both sides of the Río Grande, as well as the common themes of human life that knows no borders, be they natural or man-made.

    In the latest installment of “Scheer Intelligence,” the author and playwright tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer how the community he comes from “never had to deal with a border until it was declared that in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, around 1848, designating the Rio Grande as the border between the U.S. and Mexico.”

    “We’ve always been here,” Solis says. “Humans, like the buffalo, like birds, like butterflies, are a migratory animal. We move all the time. And for centuries, we moved freely without borders, up and down

    Emily Wolahan, Creative Writing Department Director
    Emily Wolahan is a poet, writer, and educator living in San Francisco. She is the author of HINGE (National Poetry Review Press, 2015). Her poetry has appeared in Volt, Tinderbox Journal, Fourteen Hills, Gulf Coast, Boston Review and other journals. Her prose has been collected in  Among Margins, Arts & Letters, and other journals. She won the Lorraine Williams prize for poetry from the Georgia Review and the Arts & Letters Unclassifiables contest. She also served as an Affiliate Artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, CA.

    Emily has collaborated with painter Owen Brown on The Fieldwork Scroll: A Modern Exodus. She is currently a Poetry Editor at Tinderbox Poetry Journal.

    Emily is pursuing a Ph.D. in Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on utopias and social practice art.

    Isaiah Dufort, Programs Co-ordinator
    Isaiah is director of San Francisco Art & Film for Teenagers, an arts education non-profit providing free film screenings, museum tours and tickets to local arts and culture events to Bay Area students. Art & Film has a long history of partnering with Asawa SotA and the Creative Writing department in particular. Isaiah

  • octavio solis biography definition