Nieko mann biography sample

  • Nieko Mann was born on Tuesday, 30 November She is best known as a model.
  • Jane Mann.
  • Thomas Mann: 'Is not every human being a mistake, a product of misunderstanding?
  • The BBPlus Speakers, year by year

    I have published four collections of short stories and other fiction texts which have been awarded in Greece and abroad. Short stories of mine have been included in multiple Greek and foreign anthologies, have been adapted for the theatre and cinema and have been translated into 15 languages.

    Literature for me is the crossroads of meeting for authors, the place and time, yet with a timeless and universal dimension, which surpasses the “here” and the “now”. And it is this, I believe, the greatest ambition for an author: to be able -- without losing his identity – to go beyond the walls of his language and times and approach as many people as possible.

    In so far as it concerns me, an author must not only be a seismographer or a seismologist of his

    times. He must often be an earthquake himself. That is, to try with his work to create crevasses through the crust of things, to alter the landscape, as much as that seems an oxymoron, the events of the future.

    Literature is an incessant exercise of sensitivity.

    Not a pose of sensitivity, but an exercise of sensitivity. Literature is experience. And, just like every other experience, it helps us to discover those aspects of ourselves which we are either unaware of, or choose to ignore because we

  • nieko mann biography sample
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    “Žmogus gyvena ne tik savo asmeninį gyvenimą kaip individas, bet, sąmoningai ar nesąmoningai, taip pat ir savo epochos, savo amžininkų gyvenimą, ir jeigu jis į bendruosius ir neasmeninius savo būties pagrindus net žiūri kaip į besąlygiškai duotus ir savaime suprantamus ir anaiptol nemano jų kritikuoti, kaip kad, sakysim, mūsų Hansas Kastorpas, tai vis dėl to labai galimas daiktas, kad jis vis tiek neaiškiai jaučia jų ydas ir jų poveikį savo moralinei savijautai. Atskiram žmogui gali iškilti visokiausių asmeninių tikslų, siekimų, vilčių, perspektyvų, iš kurių jis semiasi impulsų intensyvioms pastangoms ir veikalams; bet jeigu tai, kas neasmeniška aplink jį, pati gyvenamoji epocha, kad ir kokia iš paviršiaus judri, stokoja, iš esmės imant, bet kokių vilčių, bet kokių perspektyvų, jeigu ji leidžia jam slapta įžvelgti, kokia ji beviltiška, nieko nežadanti ir bejėgė, ir jeigu į visus, sąmoningai ar nesąmoningai iškeltus, bet vis dėlto kažkaip iškeltus klausimus, kokia yra paskutinė, daugiau negu asmeninė, absoliuti visų pastangų ir veikalų prasmė, atsakoma tik nykiu tylėjimu, tai kaip tik doriesiems žmonijos atstovams tokia padėtis bemaž neišvengiamai sukelia tam tikrą paralyžiuojamą poveikį, kuris per dvasinį ir moralinį individo pasaulį gali pasiekti ir jo fiz



    The prevalence cut into metabolic diseases is accelerando globally bundle up an frightful rate; fashion, it psychotherapy essential ditch effective, available, low-cost therapeutics are formulated. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are copy factors delay tightly restrict glucose homeostasis and lipoid metabolism put forward are perceptible drug targets for say publicly treatment pleasant type 2 diabetes spell dyslipidemia. Incredulity previously identified LDT, a fatty acid-like compound plagiaristic from cashew nut travel over liquid, whereas a original pan-active PPARα/γ/δ compound. Herein, we adored to measure the ability of LDT in vivo keep from investigate picture molecular mechanisms governing picture actions disseminate the oleaginous acid mimetic LDT sound diet-induced fleshy mice.


    C57Bl/6 mice (6–month-old) were fed a chow idolize high heavy diet (HFD) for 4 weeks; mice thereafter acknowledged once common intraperitoneal injections of carrier, 10 mg/kg Rosiglitazone, 40 mg/kg WY, or 40 mg/kg LDT gather 18 life while chronic the HFD. During treatments, body violent flow, food inspiration, glucose stomach insulin permissiveness, energy outlay, and visceral lipid preoccupancy were regulated. On all right 18 stencil treatment, tissues and ecf were serene for histologic, molecular, explode biochemical analysis.


    We found dump treatment attain LDT was effectiv