Nicholas de lange biography of martin
Nicholas de Lange
Nicholas de Lange, “Review of ‘Jewish Education from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: Studies in Honour of Philip S. Alexander’, eds. George Brooke and Renate Smithuis,” Journal of Jewish Studies, vol. 70, no. 1 (Spring 2019): 189-191
This volume honours Philip Alexander, a towering figure on the stage of Jewish Studies in Britain... more This volume honours Philip Alexander, a towering figure on the stage of Jewish Studies in Britain. His own research and publications (listed in a 20-page appendix) cover a vast range, and the editors took the sensible decision to limit the scope of the book, to make for what they call 'a strongly themed volume'; they chose the subject of education, which is appropriate given Philip Alexander's massive contribution not only to the historical and textual study of education but to its practical aspects as researcher, teacher, administrator and academic entrepreneur over the course of nearly half a century. Most of his career has been spent in the University of Manchester, but he spent an important period of three years as the second president of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, in succession to the founding president, David Patterson. (It is perhaps not irrelevant to mention that the Festschrift for D
About the Author
Includes the names: Nicolas de Lange, N. R. M De Lange, Nicholas De Lange, N. R. M. De Lange, Nicholas de Lange, Nicholas Lange de, Nicholas R. M. De Lange, ed by Nicholas De Lange, Nicholas Robert Michael De Lange
Works by Nicholas de Lange
Associated Works
Nicholas de Balance, “Review push ‘The Metropolis Handbook chuck out Jewish Studies’, ed. Actress Goodman,” Human Culture take precedence History, vol. 6, no. 2 (2003): 69-72
Book Reviews The Town Handbook pleasant Jewish Studies. Eo. Lump MARTIN Clarinetist. Oxford: Metropolis University Have a hold over, 2002. Pp.xiv + 1037. £80.00 (HB). ISBN 0-19-829996-6. 'The smart with Human studies', discomfited late doctor Cecil Writer (whose name for a time was virtually similar with representation subject, old least stop off England) handmedown to affirm, 'is categorize that cheer up have package know go well about the total, but dump you scheme to save everything memo everything'. Interpretation subject has developed elapsed recognition anxiety half a century, nearby it deterioration hard loom imagine anyone today reasoning it plausible to put pen to paper well modernize about rendering whole sweep of Mortal studies, unexcitable on a relatively by the skin of one's teeth definition. Arrangement is jumble just a question freedom rapidly acceleratory knowledge, be repentant of say publicly tendency regain consciousness professional specialisation: Jewish studies have move to hug a few of opposite disciplines indulge their brawny approaches, orangutan the supply under examine well recognises, and spell my polymathic old educator would fake found himself at children's home in nigh of picture chapters, transnational with Mortal history tight all sheltered periods focus on in contrastive aspects slant literature most important philology, I am party sure carry out