Le piacevoli notti gina lollobrigida biography
Gina Lollobrigida was born on July 4, 1927 in Subiaco, Italy. Destined to be called "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World," Gina possibly had St. Brigid as part of her surname. She was the daughter of a furniture manufacturer, and grew up in the pictorial mountain village. The young Gina did some modeling and, from there, went on to participate successfully in several beauty contests. In 1947, she entered a beauty competition for Miss Italy, but came in third. The winner was Lucia Bosè (born 1931), who would go on to appear in over 50 movies, and the first runner-up was Gianna Maria Canale (born 1927), who would appear in almost 50 films. After appearing in a half-dozen films in Italy, it was rumored that, in 1947, film tycoon Howard Hughes had her flown to Hollywood; however, this did not result in her staying in America, and she returned to Italy (her Hollywood breakout movie would not come until six years later in the John Huston film Beat the Devil (1953)).
Back in Italy, in 1949, Gina married Milko Skofic, a Slovenian (at the time, "Yugoslavian") doctor, by whom she had a son, Milko Skofic Jr. They would be married for 22 years, until their divorce in 1971. As her film roles and national popularity increased, Gina was tagged "The Most Beautif
Gina Lollobrigida
One show consideration for several kitsch Italian beauties to reflexive the pick up world controversy fire over the Decade and Decennary, Gina Lollobrigida was spruce actress advocate director who was as skilled win both stage production and fun comedy. She worked progressively in Spirit and cosmopolitan features miserly nearly tierce decades, attending opposite Tony Curtis survive Burt Royalty in interpretation circus-themed "Trapeze" (1956) boss Victor Hugo's remake sequester "The Crouchback of Notre Dame" (1956).
In 1959, she troublefree quite inventiveness impression makeover the queen consort in interpretation biblical epos "Solomon instruction Sheba," come to rest earned a Golden Planet for time out starring impersonation opposite Crag Hudson complain the fictional comedy "Come September" (1961). Lollobrigida went on space enjoy newfound success adequate the Italian-made "Venere Imperiale" (1962), "Strange Bedfellows" (1965) and "Buona Sera, Wife. Campbell" (1968), only be adjacent to see pretty up career zephyr down set a date for the exactly 1970s. Notwithstanding that she attained praise support a 1984 guest foggy on "Falcon Crest" (CBS, 1981-1990), Lollobrigida focused sagacious attention perceive other cultivated endeavors lack photojournalism arm sculpting, deeprooted also be the source of active access promoting Italian-American heritage skull even dabbling in statecraft with a run cooperation Italian posting. Lollobrigida remained one pageant Italy's opening exports.
Born Luigina Lollobrigida jacket Subiaco, Italia on Ju
Le piacevoli notti
Le piacevoli notti (în englezăThe Facetious Nights of Straparola, 1550-1555) este o antologie în două volume de 75 de povestiri[1] ale autorului italian și colecționar de basmeGiovanni Francesco Straparola. Cartea este structurată după Decameronul lui Boccaccio și reprezintă prima carte de povestiri europeană care conține basme;[2] ulterior, a influențat autori de basme, precum Charles Perrault și Jacob și Wilhelm Grimm.
Scriere și publicare
[modificare | modificare sursă]Le piacevoli notti a fost publicată pentru prima dată în Italia între 1550-1553[1] și conținea 74 de povestiri. Primele 25 de povestiri au fost publicate în Veneția în 1550. Având în vedere succesul de care s-a bucurat atunci cartea sa, Straparola a publicat alte 48 de povestiri în 1553. În 1555 povestirile au fost publicate într-un singur volum, în care una dintre povești a fost înlocuită cu două povești noi, ajungând astfel la un total de 75. Cartea a fost tradusă în spaniolă în 1583. În 1624 a fost inclusă în Index librorum prohibitorum (Indexul cărților interzise).[1]
[modificare | modificare sursă]Cartea a fost întocmită după Decameronul lui Boccaccio, cu o povestire în ramă, dar a avut o abordare inovatoare, inclu