Kisah gerilya jenderal sudirman biography
- Bib ID:
- 131795
- Format:
- Tome
- Edition:
- Particularize. 1.
- Description:
- Jakarta : B.P. Alda/Penerbit Almanak R.I., 1985
- 248 p., [2] p. reminisce plates : ill., facsims., maps, ports. ; 23 cm.
- Subject:
- Time away authors/contributors:
- Sudirjo, Radik Utoyo
- Copyright:
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For other uses, see Sudirman (disambiguation).
Sudirman (Old Spelling: Soedirman; 24 January 1916[a] – 29 January 1950) was an Indonesian military officer and revolutionary during the Indonesian National Revolution and the first commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces.
Quick Facts 1st Commander of the War Forces of the United States of Indonesia, President ...
Born in Purbalingga, Dutch East Indies, Sudirman moved to Cilacap in 1916 and was raised by his uncle. A diligent student at a Muhammadiyah-run school, he became respected within the community for his devotion to Islam. After dropping out of teacher's college, in 1936 he began working as a teacher, and later headmaster, at a Muhammadiyah-run elementary school. After the Japanese occupied the Indies in 1942, Sudirman continued to teach, before joining the Japanese-sponsored Defenders of the Homeland (PETA) as a battalion commander in Banyumas in 1944. In this position he put down a rebellion by his fellow soldiers, but was later interned in Bogor. After Indonesia proclaimed its independence on 17 August 1945, Sudirman led a break-out then went to Jakarta to meet President Sukarno. Tasked with overseeing the surrender of Japanese soldiers in Banyumas, he established a division of the People's
“Sudirman” dilencongkan di sini. Jangan dikelirukan dengan Sudirman Haji Arshad.
Jeneral Besar TNI Anumerta RadenSoedirman (Ejaan Soewandi: Sudirman; 24 Januari 1916 [nota 1] – 29 Januari 1950) adalah seorang pahlawan nasional Indonesia yang berjuang pada semasa Revolusi Nasional Indonesia.
Dilahirkan di Purbalingga, Hindia Belanda, Sudirman berpindah ke Cilacap pada tahun 1916 dan dibesarkan oleh bapa saudaranya. Pelajar yang rajin di sekolah Muhammadiyah yang dikendalikan, beliau menjadi terhormat dalam masyarakat untuk ketaatan beliau kepada Islam. Selepas berhenti dari kolej guru, pada tahun 1936 beliau mula bekerja sebagai guru, dan kemudian guru besar, di sekolah rendah Muhammadiyah yang dikendalikan. Selepas tentera Jepun menduduki Hindia pada tahun 1942, Sudirman terus mengajar, sebelum menyertai Pertahanan Ibu Pertiwi yang ditaja oleh Jepun sebagai komander batalion di Kabupaten Banyumas pada tahun 1944. Dalam kedudukan ini, beliau meletakkan pemberontakan oleh rakan-rakan askarnya, tetapi kemudian telah menjalani latihan di Bogor. Selepas Indonesia mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan pada 17 Ogos 1945, Sudirman mengetuai kelolosan kemudian pergi ke Jakarta untuk menemui Presiden Sukarno. Ditugaskan untuk mengawasi penyerahan tentera Jepun