Jura bedic biography of christopher
World Heritage List
The palaces and temples which form the nucleus of this group of secular and religious buildings exemplify the architectural and artistic achievements of China's Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Situated in the scenic valleys and on the slopes of the Wudang mountains in Hubei Province, the site, which was built as an organized complex during the Ming dynasty (14th–17th centuries), contains Taoist buildings from as early as the 7th century. It represents the highest standards of Chinese art and architecture over a period of nearly 1,000 years.
Ping Yao is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city, founded in the 14th century. Its urban fabric shows the evolution of architectural styles and town planning in Imperial China over five centuries. Of special interest are the imposing buildings associated with banking, for which Ping Yao was the major centre for the whole of China in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
The two traditional villages of Xidi and Hongcun preserve to a remarkable extent the appearance of non-urban settlements of a type that largely disappeared or was transformed during the
Early Morning Thoughts
Hi Stephen, thanks for this thought provoking comment. I’ll try to answer your questions as best I can:
>If I have read things right you are not currently selling enough paintings to make a living?
I’m not, no. But then that’s perhaps not so surprising since I’ve done next to no marketing and networking. That’s one lesson I’ve learned. Being a full time painter and making a living out of it requires much more than just decent work.
>your approach to painting is representational in other words realism?
Representational, yes. Realism is a word you’ll rarely see me using except in the context in which I think it should be used. I see realism as a particular late nineteenth century painting movement, one which grew out of the Barbizon school and who’s precursors were painters like Constable and Courbet. It had to with treatment and the subject matter, and was antithetical to the dominant classicism of the time. To my mind, to use the word any other way confuses matters.
But I don’t want to sound like I’m splitting hairs here, I know what you mean. I do believe that good painting can be something other than a convincing translation of what we see, of course it’s more than that. What exa