Jeanette lin tsui biography definition
Wikipedia:WikiProject Women hole Red/Missing ezines by nationality/Hong Kong
film producer
film director
film screenwriter
4. The Mambo Girl
Ma, Jean. "4. The Mambo Girl". Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema, New York, USA: Duke University Press, 2015, pp. 139-184.
Ma, J. (2015). 4. The Mambo Girl. In Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema (pp. 139-184). New York, USA: Duke University Press.
Ma, J. 2015. 4. The Mambo Girl. Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema. New York, USA: Duke University Press, pp. 139-184.
Ma, Jean. "4. The Mambo Girl" In Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema, 139-184. New York, USA: Duke University Press, 2015.
Ma J. 4. The Mambo Girl. In: Sounding the Modern Woman: The Songstress in Chinese Cinema. New York, USA: Duke University Press; 2015. p.139-184.
Copied to clipboard
Born 10/15/74
Jimmy falls into what would be termed bubble gum pop with his clean cut, cute looks and his appeal to young female teenyboppers.
Jimmy Wang Yu
Born in 1943
In the mid-60s the Shaw Brothers was attempting to broaden their offerings by producing more action films. Their reputation up until then was based primarily on dramas and romances, but the popularity of the Japanese Chambara films seemed to indicate that martial arts/wuxia films had the potential for a strong resurgence. So they began adding actors to their stable of performers in hopes of their becoming possible action stars. One of their hires was a former water polo champion from Shanghai by the name of Jimmy Wang Yu (which translates to "King Youth"). The success of King Hu's Come Drink with Me and then the film Jade Bow reinforced this strategic change.
Wang Yu appeared in a few action fil