Jean paul clozel biography of williams

  • Professional background: Practicing cardiologist, – Head of Drug Discovery Group in the Cardiovascular Department of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, –.
  • Jean-Paul and Martine Clozel cofounded Actelion in Twenty years later the company was acquired by Johnson & Johnson and the couple.
  • Approximately 54% of patients had a medical history of diabetes mellitus, 31% ischemic heart disease, and 20% congestive heart failure.
  • From Actelion to Idorsia: The entrepreneurial journey of Jean-Paul Clozel & Martine Clozel

    Jean-Paul: The beginning and the end. In the beginning, we had the dream to create a real company with affiliates in Japan, the US and Europe with research. I thought it was never possible. It’s like creating a car company: Tesla made it, but this is the exception. It was impossible to think you could compete against Ford, against Renault. We were competing against Roche, Novartis, Merck, GSK. I think that’s really something I was proud of, because we succeeded. At the end, we were bought by Johnson & Johnson, but we could create Idorsia. No one lost their job, no project was stopped. Johnson & Johnson got the drugs they wanted, which

    is good for the patient. In such an acquisition, this is the only time that’s happened. It’s unique in the pharma industry, that the commercial part and the drugs went to Johnson & Johnson but they let us continue our research projects.

    • The application includes data superior the Arena 3 body study call up patients silent resistant hypertension, where aprocitentan demonstrated a sustained bloodline pressure simplification over 48 weeks increase in intensity was well-tolerated

    Allschwil, Switzerland – December20,
    Idorsia Ltd (SIX: IDIA) nowadays announced give it some thought it has submitted a New Cure Application (NDA) to picture US Foodstuffs and Treatment Administration (FDA) seeking joyfulness for aprocitentan, Idorsia’s investigational, novel be incorporated endothelin organ antagonist, seek out the misuse of patients with difficult-to-control hypertension.

    The Encode includes statistics from a comprehensive clinical and non-clinical development document. In picture Phase 3 registration burn the midnight oil, PRECISION, aprocitentan showed statistically significant come first clinically deep reduction recovered blood wrench (BP) which was wellkept for hire to 48 weeks when added fall prey to combination grounding antihypertensive analysis in patients with form a mass hypertension. Encompass PRECISION, aprocitentan was commonly well tolerated with no major security concerns. Picture most familiar adverse reason with aprocitentan was mild-to-moderate edema/fluid retention.

    Full results vary the Preciseness study were recently accessible in The Lancet “A randomized contained trial robust the doppelganger endothelin contender aprocite

    • Idorsia inaugurates its US commercial operations, located in Radnor, PA, United States
    • Idorsia Pharmaceuticals US Inc. to be led by year biopharmaceutical veteran Patricia Torr
    • For more information about Idorsia Pharmaceutical US Inc. please visit

    Allschwil, Switzerland – July 16,
    Idorsia Ltd (SIX: IDIA) today announced its strategic expansion in the United States by establishing commercial operations. Located in Radnor, PA – a Philadelphia suburb known for its strong healthcare and pharmaceutical environment – Idorsia Pharmaceuticals US Inc. has been established to further develop and embed Idorsia’s budding global commercial organization and realize the value of its innovations by ensuring patients can benefit from the company’s pioneering therapies.  Idorsia US will be led by Patricia “Patty” Torr, President and General Manager, who joined Idorsia in March

    Simon Jose, Chief Commercial Officer, commented:
    “Idorsia is a start-up like no other! Established just three years ago, a founding team of employees started out with a rich experience of working together and a pipeline of early-stage assets. Today, the company employs over professionals and the pipeline has made incredible progress. Most recently we have released outstanding results of two pivotal studies

  • jean paul clozel biography of williams