Etienne tshisekedi biography of barack obama

  • Moïse katumbi
  • Marthe kasalu jibikila
  • Félix tshisekedi net worth
  • Felix Tshisekedi, the current President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was born Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo on June 13, , in Kinshasa just three years after the DRC gained its independence from Belgium.  He identifies with the Luba people. His parents were Étienne Tshisekedi, who served as the prime minister of Zaire (now the DRC) on three occasions, and Marthe Kasalu Jibikila.

    In , Tshisekedi worked and lived in Brussels, Belgium, where he became an active participant in the Belgium wing of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress UDSP, the most powerful political party in the DRC.  After returning to his home nation, he was named the UDSP National Secretary for external relations. Tshisekedi’s extensive involvement with the party led to his becoming vice secretary-general in , and in , he became UDSP’s principal leader.

    In , Félix married Denise Nyakéru Tshisekedi from Bukavu, an eastern city in DRC. After they divorced in , he married Marthe Kasalu Jibikila and the couple had two sons, Félix Tshisekedi and Christian Tshisekedi.

    In , after the death of his father, Étienne Tshisekedi, Félix Tshisekedi was nominated by the UDSP to run for President.  He won the majority of the votes in the subsequent presidential election and was sworn in o

  • etienne tshisekedi biography of barack obama
  • An ex-prime minister and former ally of notorious dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, veteran politician Étienne Tshisekedi, is preparing once more to pick up the opposition baton in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

    The year-old leader of the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS), Tshisekedi appears again to have been nominated as the de facto opposition leader ahead of elections scheduled for November, but which could be jeopardized by delays and by the incumbent Joseph Kabila's attempts to cling to power.

    Tshisekedi has emerged as Kabila's main opponent following a meeting of Congolese opposition parties in the Belgian capital Brussels earlier in June. The meeting included the G7 coalition, which recently pronounced businessman Moise Katumbi, the former governor of DRC's mineral-rich Katanga province, as its candidate for the presidency. Following Katumbi's announcement in May that he was running for the presidency, it seemed that he would pose the biggest threat to Kabila. But Vidiye Tshimanga, vice president of one of the opposition groups involved in the Brussels nominations, said that the veteran Tshisekedi would lead the new coalition named Rassemblement, or "Rally," Voice of America reported.

    Hailing from what is now Kananga in central DRC, Tshisekedi s

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