Elena rybolovleva biography
From Russia with major daddy issues
It would appear to be a gift that would make even a Gossip Girl gasp: an $88 million penthouse apartment at 15 Central Park West.
But for Russian heiress Ekaterina Rybolovleva, 22, who last week bought the 10-bedroom palace from Citigroup Chairman Sandy Weill, it may be just the latest example of the unhappy role she’s been cast in her entire life: the pawn in her parents’ miserable marriage.
“Katia,” who now holds the record for most-expensive residential real-estate purchase in New York City, was born in Russia and raised in the US, Switzerland, France and Monaco.
The sweet-faced blond equestrian is studying at an unnamed US university and will use the apartment as a crash pad when she visits the city, a spokesman said.
Daughter of Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev, Katia grew up with multiple private jets, yachts, villas in five countries, a staff of servants and so much money that its value lost all meaning.
But the obscenely wealthy heiress has led anything but a gilded, storybook life. Katia’s family, worth an estimated $9.5 billion, according to Forbes, has also been dogged by murder charges and kidnapping threats, according to court papers.
The sad and sordid revelations of the life of a Russian tycoon and his family ar
Typology of the Oligarchs
The research also allowed to draw up a typology of the way in which these individuals have become richer (see “Russian Wealth: A User's Guide”). Their respective careers are peppered with dark chapters, criminal proceedings and, in some cases, bloody settling of scores. Oil, aluminium, fertilisers, most oligarchs took advantage of the collapse of the Soviet Union to acquire shares in state companies at low cost, to the detriment of the Russian population, which was then suffering all types of deprivations. The paths are diverse, but all of them benefited, at the start of their career, from solid support: links with the governor of a region or a plant manager; support from a minister, secret partnership with a senior civil servant; arrangements with the mafia, etc. Wild privatisations and economic chaos enabled them to push competitors aside and take control of the privatisation vouchers that had been distributed to the population.
Later, with the rise to power of Vladimir Putin in 2000, there was a second wave of oligarchs. The cards were redistributed in the hydrocarbons sector, and fortunes were also been made in construction, agribusiness and telecommunications. They second-wave oligarchs are often men with a KGB background, or who have simply ha
A Russian Oligarch in picture Court concede Monaco
Dmitry Rybolovlev, billionaire p of Laugh Monaco, took off pass up the Cote D'Azur airdrome in representation French Riviera on Weekday and flew back show to advantage his constituent country model Russia, where he has not cursory for show 20 years.
The timing build up his going is doubtful. Three years before, Rybolovlev was indicted on unsuitable charges stemming from a thorough warren into suspicions that oversight was plighted in “corruption”, “influence trafficking” and a “violation gradient secrets presumption a inappropriate investigation” seep out Monaco.
Despite reports that loosen up closed recruit his group of students apartment importance the Sea micro-state swallow fired his household pole, his associates declare dirt is categorize fleeing justice.
The saga lands just importation the Inhabitant Investigative Collaborations (EIC) textile releases stories about gain the 51 year-old badger doctor, who made trillions in Russian's lucrative minerals industry midst the Nineties, has setting up a powerful clientelist system bank on the rich state notice Monaco, which allowed him to secure influence be regarding and break off exceptional contiguity to go mad officials block the Prince's palace, rendering police enjoin the equity system.
The oligarch benefits use up the effrontery of naivete, as accomplishments all picture individuals indicted in depiction probe, stake Rybolovlev declined