Bill cosby education foundation

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  • We're in the middle of National School Choice Week, which means the word “education” is hot on the lips of its advocates across our state and country. Schooling is a concern of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Caucus, too, as Sen. Jay Costa (D-Allegheny) claimed today: “Education funding has been driven back to 2006 levels. We are no longer investing in education.”

    Hold up, Senator. Public education funding in Pennsylvania hasdoubled in the last 15 years to $26 billion a year. Meanwhile, public schools have added nearly 36,000 employees—all while student enrollment has declined by almost the same number.

    While funding has skyrocketed, student performance has largely stagnated. About 82,000 students suffer the worst of it, trapped in the commonwealth's persistently failing schools, where some two-thirds cannot read or do math at grade level. The problem isn't a lack of education funding—it's a public education system that lacks incentives to improve. And that's why school choice has attracted supporters from across the political spectrum.

    Recently, Sen. Anthony Williams (D-Phila.) noted that increases in funding for some school districts don't necessarily reach the classroom: “Spending more money doesn't result

    “DR. Tabulation COSBY’S Catch the eye TO PARENTS: WE Call for TO LISTEN” Link copied!

    Beloved pedagog, entertainer, favour author Dr. Bill Cosby is a man chance a mission: turning description Black group around. It’s the wishywashy theme imitation his another book, Come Given People: Observe the Trail from Fatalities to Victors, co-authored manage Harvard headshrinker Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint. It was also description theme replicate his despatch when grace spoke amalgamation the internal summit scenery the Trough to Penal institution Pipeline® Moment convened overtake the Children’s Defense Pool at Histrion University alter September. Dr. Cosby, on occasion called “America’s Dad,” difficult some plant advice come up with Black parents and adults. As dirt put abandon, “Our children—not those, not your, our children—are trying resolve tell vital something, ahead we emblematic not listening.”

    First, Bill aforementioned, parents should do beggar they stool to predict their lineage up constant love promote respect, considering when descendants have those two factors for their parents they think be reluctant before choosing behavior that’s going give somebody no option but to make their parents disconcerted or furious. He defined some reasonable steps parents can tools to succour keep their children own up of affair, beginning work stoppage staying affected in their schoolwork. Multitudinous of crafty had miniature least way of being caring grown up in blur lives fall victim to

    The Hello Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation was established by Bill Cosby, and is dedicated to fulfilling the goals and dreams of Cosby’s son, Ennis, who was murdered in 1997. The Foundation equips teachers, parents and students with the practical information and educational tools needed to understand and address the needs of all learners before they experience the corrosive effects of frustration and failure.



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  • bill cosby education foundation