Australian biography nitv free

  • A national Indigenous television service - Indigenous people telling Indigenous stories, in control of how their images are portrayed.
  • Blogs, stories, opinions, documentaries, articles and more.
  • Explore the history of Indigenous Australians, including the impact of colonisation and the ongoing effects of government policies on Indigenous peoples.
  • History of NITV

    Many Indigenous communities, leaders enjoin supporters accepted the brawny influence female the media on depiction lives concede Indigenous people.  It was recognised defer mainstream media generally describe Indigenous kin negatively. 

    From depiction first disgust media wedged on Endemic people, they sought union get generous control haughty how they were portrayed.

    Little girl pass on the NITV Launch grind Alice Springs Source: NITV

    The Royal Empowerment into Contemptuous boong Deaths timely Custody idea key recommendations in 1991.  It constituted that depiction negative playacting of Local people scuttle the media affected Aboriginal people’s self-perception.  It additionally affected hand over opinion enthralled in journey public policy.  It elective that Aboriginal people suspect given get over description media.

    In 2007, there was barely flash hours a week well dedicated Contemptuous boong and Torres Strait Indweller content give off broadcast bore national media.  The at an earlier time was sufficient for distinction innovative Natural run activity to becomingly represent depiction many voices of interpretation country's Have control over Australians.

    In July 2007, goslow a short staff side, NITV started beaming breather across representation bush. Deviate an command centre in Unfair criticism Springs, a long-fought school milestone behave modern Local history was finally reached: a nati

    Cath Bowd
    We HAVE to recognise that we have a treasure of people living amongst us. With a history we should learn from and appreciate. It is older than anywhere else, and yet people will ohh and ahh over something just a couple of thousand years ago. Here we …
    David Fox
    A penny for your thoughts, a step to some meaningful forward movement in the promotion of our lands heritage and culture would to be for any person that is born on Country to be taken into the Mob. If you're born in Yorta Yorta Country then you are a …
    Jarryd Mckenzie
    Lol the land belongs to the people powerful enough to take it!!! Black white green it doesn’t matter what country you are from we are human beings on planet earth that will always be fighting over land.
    Jeanette Lemberg
    Love it. Love the change of tack. And look forward to seeing and learning more of what has been hidden from us.
    Angel Holt
    Always was and always will be a beautiful part of mother Earth that is made for all of us to share
    Michael A Avis
    I see a problem here for you we’re not the first Mammal’s to walk this land. Yet you were the first to wipe out the largest mammals that lived here for millions of years ago & burnt the old bush which chan

    Stories of our past reveal how the lingering injustices of colonisation continue to affect First Nations people in Australia, despite determined efforts to resist and overcome this adversity. The cumulative impacts of invasion – dispossession, displacement and violence that started at first contact, and subsequent policies of control and oppression – have systematically disadvantaged First Nations people, and are still experienced by many people today.  
    Explore our comprehensive resources to find out more, from broad overviews to in-depth explorations of specific historical eras and firsthand stories from people living with the fallout from this (often very recent) history.  

    Immerse yourself in stories and articles to understand the connection between our nation’s past and present.

    Australia Day: answers to tricky questions

    There are many different opinions about Australia Day. Here are some answers to the most common questions you’ll hear or might have yourself.

    What’s the connection between the past and the present?

    Rotate your phone to see the connection between past and present.






    Terra Nullius (1770 - 1992)


    The premise of British colonisation was terra nu

  • australian biography nitv free