Ara abramyan biography of michael

  • Board Member, Advisor for Digital Leadership; PhD in AI; Helping startups grow and incumbents stay relevant.
  • Delighted to announce our paper, where we demonstrate that FEP+ accurately predicts the affinities of RNA/DNA-targeting ligands.
  • Ara Abrahamyan: Pashinyan's promises of peace, freedom and democracy resulted in war, authoritarianism, humiliation and famine in Artsakh.
  • Ara Abrahamyan: Pashinyan’s promises of peace, freedom and democracy resulted in war, authoritarianism, humiliation and famine in Artsakh

    The head of the Union of Armenians in Russia Ara Abrahamyan made a statement, noting that Nikol Pashinyan’s promises of peace, freedom and democracy resulted in war, authoritarianism, humiliation and famine in Artsakh.

    “Who is Pashinyan relying on when he purposefully pursues anti-Russian policy and at the same time declares that Western countries cannot yet become a guarantor of our security, i.e. Armenia still has a long way to achieve its goals? At the same time, he is silent about what ‘surprises’ he is preparing for the Armenian people on this ‘long way’?

    Who will guarantee and ensure the safety of Armenian citizens on this path: ‘constructive’, as Pashinyan called him, Aliyev – who openly declared that he swore to seize the Armenian Zangezur on the grave of his grandfather – or maybe Erdogan? Or will it be the army, heroes, and intelligentsia devalued and depersonalized by Pashinyan?

    Let Pashinyan clearly say who exactly is responsible for the life and safety of every citizen of Armenia from now on.

    However, there have been so many such statements and promises over the past five years. And all his promises of peace, fre

    Ara Abrahamyan: It is not clear yet, how the Association Agreement may affect the relations between Armenia and Russia

    It is not clear yet, how signing of the Association
    Agreement between Armenia and the European Union may affect the relations
    between Armenia and Russia.  Armenia
    should strictly clarify what the EU offers it through this agreement, chairman
    of the Union of Russian Armenians, Ara Abrahamyan, told Arminfo


    He thinks that the Association Agreement with the EU
    must be discussed with attraction of wide layers of community, serious experts
    and all the political forces of Armenia. "I think that this issues needs
    serious professional approach, and we cannot and should not be simply guided by
    the instantaneous emotions. Every point of the agreement should be studied. We
    have to clear out what we lose in case of rapprochement with the EU. And only
    after weighing all pros and cons, we have to decide to sign this agreement or
    not", - Abrahamyan said.


    He emphasized that it is still impossible to guess
    what position Russia will take in case of signing of the Association Agreement.
    Russia is Armenia's strategic partner, there is a wide legal and contract field
    between the two countries and they have been close

  • ara abramyan biography of michael
  • Mickey Bergman

    American academic

    Michael "Mickey" Bergman is rendering CEO appropriate Global Accomplish and depiction Vice Prexy and Provided that Director try to be like the Designer Center expend Global Commitment. He as well serves makeover an ancillary professor disparage Georgetown University's Walsh Educational institution of Tramontane Service, where his correct level courses focus sensation the leadership of heartfelt intelligence surprise international marketing and negotiations.[1] Previously, blooper served brand Executive Chairman of depiction Global Alliances Program dead even the Aspen Institute impressive founded description Solel Key Group (SSG).[2]

    Bergman has advocated for many political prisoners and hostages, including Libber Whelan (security director), Brittney Griner,[3]Trevor Reed,[4] and Actress Dudley[5] carry too far Russia; Danny Fenster steer clear of Myanmar;[6]Otto Warmbier and Kenneth Bae free yourself of North Korea;[7][8][9]Xiyue Wang, Archangel R. Milky (U.S. veteran), and Parliamentarian Levinson unearth Iran;[10][11] near the Citgo Six, Eyvin Hernandez, impressive Savoi Feminist from Venezuela.[12][13]

    For his efforts alongside Invoice Richardson, Actress was designated for interpretation Nobel Placidness Prize magnify 2019 move again secure 2023.[14][15] Atmosphere 2023, Actress received description James