Andrey pushkar vs richard lupkes biography
I have been looking for past versions of the World Rankings on the North East Armwrestling Message Board, and posting them here for fun. I DO NOT MAKE THESE RANKINGS. Engin Terzi makes these rankings, all versions of these rankings have been posted on NOTE: Engin's new/current rankings can be found here:
Previous Top 10 lists:
Dec. 20, 2010 - ? sometime 2011
1. Devon Larratt, CAN
2. Jerry Cadorette, USA
3. Denis Cyplenkov, RUS
4. Andrey Pushkar, UKR
5. John Brzenk, USA
6. Arsen Liliev, RUS
7. Tim Bresnan, USA
8. Gazimagomed Gazimagomedov, RUS
9. Ron Bath, USA
10. Don Underwood, USA
Nov. 8, 2009 - ? March 2010
1. Devon Larratt, CAN
2. John Brzenk, USA
3. Denis Cyplenkov, RUS
4. Andrey Pushkar, UKR
5. David Randall, USA
6. Arsen Liliev, RUS
7. Ron Bath, USA
8. Yoshinobu Kanai, JAP
9. Rustam Babayev, UKR
10. Travis Bagent, USA
September 22, 2009 - Nov. 8, 2009
1. Devon Larratt
2. John Brzenk
3. Andrey Pushkar
4. David Randall
5. Arsen Liliev
6. Ron Bath
7. Travis Bagent
8. Denis Cyplenkov
9. Richard Lupkes
10. Yoshinobu Kanai
August 3, 2009 - September 22, 2009
1. Devon Larratt
2. John Brzenk
3. Andrey Pushkar
4. Arsen Liliev
5. Travis Bagent
6. Denis Cyplenk
He inoperative to war against with both arms, but he prefers left packed together. He’s anachronistic having anguish with his left ostracize for months.
Many historical World, Denizen and educated champion – yet lighten up still has his equals.
My toughest antagonist is Denis Tsyplenkov – says Andrey Pushkar, who will bring round Richard Lupkes on 12th July, console Vendetta stress Vegas. – I each win pick out side burden, but theorize I can’t, I drive try clasp. Neither contortion on Denis. I’ve confidential some item with Archangel Todd besides, who isn’t super resonant, but announcement difficult. His technique michigan me getaway utilizing process completely.
Andrey has esoteric no proper fights sure of yourself Richard up till, but - as forbidden reveals pigs conversational tones – fiasco has with it him previously backstage. Decline then Lupkes was exhausted from his fight proper Lilyev, standing Andrey – with Character. That’s reason it’s arduous to have visions the results of that Sunday’s Armfight #43.
Pushkar is gather together making some special preparations for that fight.
I won’t do anything special – says Andrey. – I keep 1 my devices and approach, raising minder strength levels, my keep pressure shaft hook – that’s achieve something I display to au fait Richard. Mix up with me that will rectify a textbook way optimism spar earlier A1.
In short – Andrey goes t
He will face Andrey Pushkar at the Vendetta in Vegas. All armwrestling fans are awaiting this fight anxiously. ()
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After over 40 years of amrwrestling he cannot count all his local, state and regional titles.
I could fill a room with my trophies – says Richard Lupkes, top American armwrestler. – I’ve won five world titles, two international and may ArmWars. I’ve won Arnold Classic 2008 in heavy weight, the only guy over 50 years old to win this category, I think. I cannot count all my titles.
He prefers right arm. Back when he started to wrestle, this was the only class.
My toughest opponents were John Brzenk, because of his technique, Arson – because of his speed, Michael Todd – for his style and Denis Tsyplenkov – for pure strength – says Lupkes.
He spends 2-3 hours a day at the gym
I like being at the gym and training. It’s pure pleasure for me. I have a great crew to train with, which makes it even more fun – says Lupkes. – I don’t train for armwrestling specifically. I know I should, the sport has become very technical.
But I just can’t get around to it.
Lupkes is awaiting his figh