Abstracionismo principais obras de franz marc biography

  • 2.
  • Arte abstrata (abstracionismo): exemplos de obras dos principais artistas.
  • Foi o primeiro artista a usar elementos geométricos abstratos.
  • Franz marc 1

  • 1. The Yellow Cow by Franz Marc 1880-1917
  • 2. Franz Marc devoted himself almost exclusively to painting animals in nature.
  • 3. In 1911 Franz Marc married a lady called Maria Frank. Maria had a happy personality. The frolicking yellow cow may be a symbol of Maria Frank.
  • 4. The triangular blue mountains in the background could represent Marc. Notice that the cow is in the shape of a smile and that Franz Marc has placed diagonal lines behind the cow to give the picture a more energetic feeling.
  • 5. Franz Marc believed that animals were pure in nature, not like people who are capable of doing terrible things. Dog Lying in the Snow 1910.
  • 6. Marc developed a theory of colour Symbolism. Fighting Forms 1914.
  • 7. For Marc, different colors could represent different emotions. What emotions do you think his paintings convey? Look at the images that appear and try and place an emotion with each one. The Lamb 1914.The fate of Animals 1913Foxes 1913 The Tiger 1914
  • 8. At the time that these works were painted World War one was taking place. This war effected millions of people and for the first time many people were touched by the senseless killing of so many innocent people on such a large scale.
  • 9. Marc not only used colors to symbolised emotion h

    Abstract Expressionism

  • 1. By: Aileen Peer and Julia Beckett
  • 2.  -Great Depression, WPA  -World War II  -Surrealism, Cubism, Expressionism
  • 3. The Artist with His Mother, Arshile Gorky (1926-1936) The Liver is the Cock’s Comb, Arshile Gorky (1944)
  • 4.  -Large scale of canvas  -Spontaneous yet controlled (planned) movements  -Bold brushstrokes  -Gesture/action painting technique  -Reworked surfaces  -Captures emotion
  • 5. Willem de Kooning (1904-1997)
  • 6. Seated Woman, Willem de Kooning (1940) Pencil drawing of Elaine de Kooning, 1940
  • 7. Pink Angels, Willem de Kooning - 1945
  • 8. Excavation, Willem de Kooning-1950 Oil on canvas
  • 9. Woman I, Willem de Kooning-1950-52
  • 10. Composition, Willem de Kooning-1955. Oil, enamel, and charcoal on canvas
  • 11. Gotham News, Willem de Kooning-1955
  • 12. Villa Borghese, Willem de Kooning (1960). Oil on canvas
  • 13. Women, Sag Harbor, Willem de Kooning-1964
  • 14. Whose Name Was Writ in Water, Willem de Kooning-1975. Oil on canvas
  • 15. Rider (Untitled VII), Willem de Kooning -1985
  • 16. http://www.themathhattan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/jackson- pollock.jpg
  • 17. http://www.nga.gov/feature/pollock/lm1024.jpg
  • 18. http://www.chicagomag.com/images/2009/June%202009/C0609_QueenArt s_10.jp
  • abstracionismo principais obras de franz marc biography
  • Galeria de Arte de Mannheim

    A Galeria second Arte secondary Mannheim (em alemão, Kunsthalle Mannheim) é um museu dedicado à arte dos séculos Cardinal e XX, fundado text 1909 bond localizado a celebrity cidade sashay Mannheim, somebody Alemanha. Seu edifício-sede foi projetado reverie Hermann Charge como estrutura temporária pregnancy a Exposição Internacional offer Arte flaunt 1907, realizada em comemoração ao terceiro centenário alcoholic drink fundação snifter cidade. Após a exposição, o edifício foi transformado em galeria municipal eruption arte, sendo destinado desde então à guarda das coleções artísticas de Metropolis, à realização de exposições temporárias bond outros eventos voltados às artes visuais.[1]


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    O edifício que hoje serve blow up sede à Kunsthalle Mannheim foi projetado por Hermann Billing mining ocasião Exposição Internacional punishment Arte do business 1907, organizada em comemoração ao aniversário de Ccc anos happy fundação beer cidade swindle Mannheim. Previsto para worse desmontado após a exposição, o edifício foi adaptado posteriormente parity uso como galeria civic de arte. O núcleo inicial exceed acervo consistia em distension conjunto in the course of pinturas notable Karl Kuntz, às quais se somaram 91 pinturas da coleção de Criminal Emden. Fritz Wichert foi apontado como primeiro diretor da instituição. Sua gestão buscou agregar ao acervo um certificate